Our Corporate Profile


The purpose of the Foundation is to enable Swiss citizens and permanent residents of high academic ability but limited financial means to be able to enjoy the same fine LSE education as LSE alumnae and alumni have. The Foundation has been established by the Swiss LSE Alumni Association, one of the largest and most active national LSE alumni organisations worldwide, and a select group of individual LSE alumnae and alumni. Together we believe that investing in the higher education of Swiss citizens and permanent residents is the best use of the operational surpluses of the Swiss LSE Alumni Association and our charity budgets.
Investing in the higher education of Swiss citizens and permanent residents


Scholarships and research grants for Swiss citizens and permanent residents
The Foundation supports Swiss citizens and permanent residents of the Swiss Confederation in their scientific education and research activities at the "London School of Economics and Political Science" (LSE) and awards for this purpose scholarships and personal research grants. Only the income and profits from the Foundation's assets are available for expenditures. The assets will be maintained in perpetuity and the Foundation Board is mandated to increase the assets by soliciting private and corporate donations.


The Foundation idea has a long history. Members of the Swiss LSE Alumni Association established on 28 June 2008 "a permanent endowment for one or more scholarships tenable at the London School of Economics and Political Science for Swiss citizens and permanent residents partially or whole financing a full-time course of study in any offered academic subject for up to one academic session" and decided that "the endowment is to be built by the allocation of operational fund surpluses and the raising of additional funds from members and corporate entities associated with members over the next few years". Members also directed the Officers of the Association "to fully explore any possibilities of tax-efficient giving available to members and to draw up rules and regulations governing the endowment and the scholarships". This was done and a plan drawn up to formalize the scholarship endowment as a federally-supervised foundation. The Foundation acts only in its own name and does not represent any third parties.
Federally-supervised tax-exempt foundation



Copyright © 2014-2018 LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland. All rights reserved. Disclaimer: The LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland (LSEAAF) acts only on its own behalf and is in no way authorized, maintained, sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise representative of the London School of Economics and Political Science or the University of London. It is a national foundation established by LSE alumnae and alumni under Swiss federal law and is represented by the President and the Members of the Foundation Board as they are listed in the respective section of this Web site. Our postal address is: LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland, Viktoriastrasse 14, 8057 Zurich.