
The National Scholarship Foundation 2014-Forever

Several reasons motivated the Swiss LSE Alumni Association to transform its internal Scholarship Endowment into an external Scholarship Foundation: To get external regulatory oversight by the Swiss Federal Foundation Supervisory Authority, to avoid paying capital taxes on the endowment, to create new volunteering opportunities for LSE alumnae and alumni and to mobilize additional capital to help fund the education of future LSE alumnae and alumni.

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The Second Decade Campaign 2008-2014

The members of the Swiss LSE Alumni Association are one of the most enthusiastic supporters of the LSE. Wishing to leave another lasting legacy to their alma mater, members launched their Association into a new decade with a grand new project to support future generations of LSE students: the Second Decade Campaign.

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The 5 Year Jubilee Campaign in 2003

In celebration of the 5 Year Jubilee of the Swiss LSE Alumni Association and in support of the worldwide Campaign for LSE, money was raised for a special Jubilee Gift to the School. The target of GBP 10'000 makes it the most ambitious fundraising campaign undertaken to date by an European national association of LSE alumnae and alumni.

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Copyright © 2014-2018 LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland. All rights reserved. Disclaimer: The LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland (LSEAAF) acts only on its own behalf and is in no way authorized, maintained, sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise representative of the London School of Economics and Political Science or the University of London. It is a national foundation established by LSE alumnae and alumni under Swiss federal law and is represented by the President and the Members of the Foundation Board as they are listed in the respective section of this Web site. Our postal address is: LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland, Viktoriastrasse 14, 8057 Zurich.