Make the Foundation an Heir ("Erbeinsetzung")
Another way to leave a permanent legacy to future generations of LSE students is to designate the LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland as an heir. The Foundation would become a member of the community of heirs ("Erbengemeinschaft") with all the rights and obligations legal heirs enjoy in Switzerland. If no heirs to a compulsory portion exist, you would be free to designate the LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland as your sole heir.
I designate the LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland, based in Zurich, as my sole heir.
(Ich setze die LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland mit Sitz in Zürich als Alleinerbin ein.)
I designate the LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland, based in Zurich, als a co-heir. In due consideration of the discretionary portion, it would receive a percentage share of my estate.
(Ich setze die LSE Alumnae and Alumni Foundation of Switzerland mit Sitz in Zürich als Miterbin ein. Sie erhält unter Berücksichtigung der freien Quote einen prozentualen Anteil.)