Academic Term and Course of Study Scholarship use: 2023-2024 Academic Term 2024-2025 Academic Term Course of study: Applicant First name: Last name: Street address Postal code: City: E-mail address: Personal Web site: Mobile phone number: Home phone number: Gender: Female Male Other Date of birth: Highest academic degree held: Bachelor Master Doctor Past major study subjects Past minor study subjects: Educational institution currently attending: Current major study subjects: Current minor study subjects: Adjusted net taxable income from the last year declared: Taxable assets from the last year declared: Parents First name of mother: Maiden name of mother: Last name used by mother: First name of father: Last name used by father: Status of partnership Married Partnership Separated Divorced Widowed Adjusted net taxable income of both parents from the last year declared: Taxable assets of both parents from the last year declared: Essay Questions Choice: Why have you chosen the LSE for further study? (1'000 character limit): (1000 chars left) Goals: What is your career goal and why have you chosen this path? (1'000 character limit): (1000 chars left) Financial need: Why are you applying for this scholarship? Please describe your current financial situation, and what effect being awarded this scholarship will have on yourself and your family. (2'000 character limit) (2000 chars left) Volunteer and community service: Please list your volunteer and community service experience as well as your hobbies and interests. (2'000 character limit): (2000 chars left) Work experience: Please list your work experience. (2'000 character limit): (2000 chars left) Recognition: Please list any awards, honors or recognition you have received. (2'000 character limit) (2000 chars left) Philosophy and mission: What is your personal life philosophy and/or personal mission? (250 character limit): (250 chars left) Challenges: Describe one challenge you might face in achieving your career goals and how you plan to face it? (2'000 character limit): (2000 chars left) Obstacles: Describe an obstacle you have faced and had to try to overcome. Did you overcome it? How did you do it, or why were you not able to? What did you learn from this experience? (2'000 character limit): (2000 chars left) Change: What would you change about the world right now? Why? (1'000 character limit): (1000 chars left) Letters of recommendation Each application must be complemented with two letters of recommendation written by persons who are not relatives. Referees must postal or e-mail their recommendations directly to the Foundation (Viktoriastrasse 14, 8057 Zurich, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Please list the names of your two referees. First and last name of your 1st referee: First and last name of your 2nd referee: Certifications I certify the information provided in this application is true and correct. I have not knowingly withheld any facts or circumstances that could otherwise affect consideration of the application. I certify that I answered all of the application questions on my own and that the essays are my own work. I hereby give the Foundation the right to perform any background check and to do research regarding all of the information provided. I certify Submit your Application Thank you for submitting your application. Please turn on javascript to submit your data. Thank you!