Make a Collective Gift
You can multiply your personal philanthropy by joining with others to make a collective gift. The Foundation encourages two innovative approaches to collective giving: "Dinners for Scholars" and "Friends for Scholars".
"Dinners for Scholars":
Do you enjoy privately entertaining guests? You may enjoy hosting fellow LSE alumnae and alumni for dinner at your private residence. Charging a reasonable price, all proceeds are donated to the Foundation under the name of all guests.
It's a win-win: You get to cook. Alums are treated to a fine dinner. Everybody has a good time. The Foundation gets a collective gift.
"Friends for Scholars":
You may be surprised how many of your fellow LSE alumnae and alumni would enjoy financially supporting LSE students with limited financial means. Why not gather your LSE friends together and, instead of giving individually, make a collective gift.
It's a win-win: Do something together with your LSE friends. The Foundation gets a collective gift.